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Who or what am I?
I was the first Japanese-American woman elected to Congress, who am I?
I'm a robot on "Futurama" and Fry's best friend. Who am I?
I got pulled up on stage and danced with Bruce Springsteen in his video "Dancin' in the Dark", who am I?
What is the name for a toy hoop that is twirled around the waist, limbs or neck?
What is a soft substance produced in different colors, used especially by children to make shapes and models?
Who is the actress along with her husband, Jacob Pechenik, welcomed a daughter in July 2015?
I am the very tall NBA star who played for the Shanghai Sharks, who am I?
I was hired as the first Commissioner of Baseball after the Black Sox Scandal in 1919, who am I?
Who said, "A Hospital is no place to be sick."?
What country is the homeland of the Danish people?
We selected 3 interesting quizzes for you
Extremely Hard History Quiz, most people score only 3 out of 10.
Who or what am I?
Do you remember the 50s?