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Do you remember these old cities?
The oldest continuously inhabited US city is in which state?
As a joke, the town of Topeka in Kansas changed its name to which internet giant in 2010?
Queen Dido was leader of which ancient city?
In 800 AD, which southern Spanish city was the largest in Europe?
Leptis Magna was abandoned in which century?
A city previously called Karl-Marx-Stadt is in which country?
The city of Cadiz has remains dating back how many years?
St Rupert's church, the oldest building in Vienna, was completed in which century?
In 1450AD, which Spanish city overtook Paris as the most populated in Europe?
In 2005, the Dutch city of Nijmegen celebrated how many years of existence?
We selected 3 interesting quizzes for you
General knowledge quiz
Do you remember these old cities?
Extremely Hard History Quiz, most people score only 3 out of 10.